'How To Attach a Belay Device' is part of the book - Rock Climbing Basics: The Beginner's Guide.

When the climber has tied in to one end of the rope, the belayer must attach their belay device to the other end of the rope and also to their harness. The following description assumes you will be doing a 'top rope' climb. The setup is different for lead climbing.
Step 1
Push a loop of rope through one of the slots on the device. There are two slots on most devices, it doesn't matter which one you use.

Step 2
Clip a screwgate carabiner to your belay loop.

Step 3
Clip the screwgate carabiner through the rope loop and also through the cable on the belay device. It is important to clip through both of these.

Step 4
Fasten up the screw on your screwgate carabiner.

Friction Notches
Some belay devices have friction notches on them. These notches provide extra help in holding a fall.
You should make sure the notches are on the same side as the brake rope (the section of rope which doesn’t go to the climber).

Safety Check: Have You Attached Your Belay Device Correctly?

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